Friday, June 24, 2011

Yet even more random pics!

Abby and her baby...

Emma sleeping!

Abby talking to GG

She really likes talking to GG on the phone!

Even more random pics

Not only am I wearing my I love NY shiry, I had to put my sister's on too!

Strawberry picking

Picking strawberries!

Emma in her sister's chair!

More Random Pics!

Abby swinging at the park

Abby enjoying the park

Emma doing what she does best... Sleep!

Oh wait, I am not supposed to be in the swing ....

Abby helping with bathtime.

Random Pictures

Emma likes bathtime!

Why do I have to be nice, she is my sister???

Mom, she is not being nice!!!

Oh ok, we do love each other!

Abby decided to knock over her kitchen and make it a seat